Red Data Wins

Turning data into victory.

Target the right voters, not just IP addresses, with Red Data Wins.
Transform addresses into individual mobile device matches with 92%+ match rates.
🏆 11 of the top 20 Facebook Audiences in a Top 3 2020 Race.
Or, schedule a call to learn more.
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Our services.

Empower your campaign with Red Data Wins' comprehensive services:
Audience Creation: We create custom audiences based on your specified list of addresses or based on research requested by you, such as mobile identifiers for voters attending specific political events.
Media Buying: Fully managed deployment your creative across Programmatic, OTT, Facebook, and Google for a truly targeted outreach.
Data Provisioning: We provide ready-to-use audiences for import via Liveramp into your DSPs, offering you the flexibility and convenience to leverage precision targeting in your campaign.
From consultants to campaigns, from agencies to PACs, Red Data Wins delivers success tailored to your needs.
Ready to win with precision? Get a Free Match Rate Test or schedule a call today.
Address List Matching
Datum can match mobile devices to any address list regardless of scale.
Lists may include:
✅ Voter Files
✅ Donor Lists
✅ CRM Database

Precision at scale.

92%+ Match Rates Reach specific mobile devices with unmatched precision.
Nationwide Coverage Target individual voters anywhere in the U.S.
4 Years of Location Data Understand voter behavior with historical geolocation data.
19 Billion mobile interactions/week
390 million voter households matches

Ready to win with precision?

Or, schedule a call to learn more.